
Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific:Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application評鑑開箱

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Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific:Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application評鑑開箱 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: This volume explores the management of conflicts arising from the siting of unwanted projects in the Asia-Pacific, a region inadequately explored by the relevant literature. The work includes studies on a variety of locations, including Hong Kong, Japan, Mainland China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, and others. Contributions are drawn from several leading scholars intimately familiar with the locations under study, and employ theoretical, comparative, and policy-based approaches to analysis of environmental conflict, risk management, and public participation. The editors also provide introductory and concluding sections in which the siting issues under discussion are summarized and contextualized. The result is a collection that serves as an invaluable aid and source of information for policymakers, environmentalists, and scholars of the Asia-Pacific and elsewhere.


Tung Fung is Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He specializes in remote博客來書店 sensing and geographical information systems and their applications in environmental studies.


S. Hayden Lesbirel is Associate Professor and Coordinator of political science in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at James Cook University. He specializes in the political economy of policy formulation and implementation and has a particular interest in energy and environmental affairs and policy in Japan and in the Asia-Pacific.

Kin-che Lam is Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management and Director of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He specializes in environmental impact assessment and environmental policy.

Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific:Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application評鑑開箱 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港中文大學    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2011/07/01
  • 語言:英文

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Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific:Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application評鑑開箱

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Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific:Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application評鑑開箱


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